The Better-for-You Ethical Ice Cream

And an accident in San Francisco. While we were hiking, Ian took a spill off a hill and was off his feet for almost a year! Doctors told him sugar was out during recovery. That meant no ice cream! A year without ice cream? No way!

After not finding anything in the ‘low calorie’ (and low sugar) freezer cabinet that spoke to our values and had that rich artisan taste, I was convinced we could create something better. So when Ian recovered, we went toward creating something to make life a little sweeter but that didn’t contribute to our nation’s consumption of sugar and saturate fat and was actually a benefit in helping people live a healthy, balance lifestyle. It turned out great, and we decided to share it with the world!

And we decided not only would we make it delicious by using good, artisan ingredients which make a huge flavor difference (without sugar alcohols, ingredients hidden under “natural flavors” or processed with harsh chemicals) but our marketing would never use shame terms like “guilt” or “sinful” in promotion of food — which is gross. So Cloud & Joy was born: a better-for-you ice cream that focuses on every aspect of being healthy and socially responsible while being delicious! I hope you love our pride and joy as much as we do!
— Selina (Co-Founder & Product Creator)
